HB Ref No: HB26/30/106
Extent of Listing: Broadcasting house
Date of Construction: 1920 - 1939
Address : BBC Broadcasting House Ormeau Avenue Belfast County Antrim BT2 8HQ
Townland: Town Parks
Survey 2: B1
Date of Listing: 07/04/1994 00:00:00
Date of De-listing:
Current Use: Office
Former Use Office
Conservation Area: Yes
Industrial Archaeology: No
Vernacular: No
Thatched: No
Monument: No
Derelict: No
OS Map No: 130/13 SE
IG Ref: J3381 7365
Architectural Interest A. Style B. Proportion C. Ornamentation D. Plan Form I. Quality and survival of Interior
Historic Interest R. Age S. Authenticity T. Historic Importance V. Authorship Y. Social, Cultural or Economic Importance X. Local Interest