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Historic Building Details

HB Ref No:

Extent of Listing:

Date of Construction:
1920 - 1939

Address :
Bangor War Memorial Ward Park Bangor Co Down


Survey 2:

Date of Listing:
08/07/1992 00:00:00

Date of De-listing:

Current Use:

Former Use

Conservation Area:

Industrial Archaeology:





OS Map No:

IG Ref:
J5091 8160

Owner Category

Local Govt

Exterior Description And Setting

A Portland stone war memorial commemorating the Great War dating from 1927. Located in an elevation position in Ward Park. With life-size bronze female figure, white stone obelisk and bronze memorial plaque by Thomas Eyre Macklin. The memorial depicts Erin at the foot of the obelisk holding a palm frond symbolising victory. Bronze lion cast in relief on north. Various plaques to all sides commemorating those lost in World War I. Applied lettering on north reads “DIED IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUNTRY”. On the south side is bronze shield surmounted by laurel and oak leaves with plaque beneath reading: “THE GREAT WAR 1914-1918 TO THE MEMORY OF OUR FALLEN SONS”. Plaque to east reads “DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI”. Setting The memorial is set on an elevated site on a masonry plinth accessed by steps to north and south. Material: Portland stone and bronze


Macklin, Thomas Eyre

Historical Information

The memorial, of Portland stone, cost £6,000 and was unveiled in 1927. A bronze figure representing Erin holds a palm frond symbolising victory. A lion, also symbolising victory, appears near the top of the obelisk. ( The ‘War M[emoria]l’ is shown, captioned on the fifth edition of the OS map (1939), next to the ‘War Trophy’ which is a gun taken from a German submarine. ( The sculptor was Thomas Eyre Macklin, who was the sculptor of a memorial to soldiers fallen in the Boer War situated in the Haymarket area of Newcastle, Co. Down. It was originally proposed to place a winged ‘Victory’ atop the obelisk in Bangor, in similar fashion to the Newcastle memorial. (Patton, p.96) References: Primary Sources 1. PRONI OS/6/3/2/5 – Fifth Edition OS Map 1939 Secondary Sources 1. Patton, M, “Bangor, An Historical Gazetteer” Belfast: Ulster Architectural Heritage Society, 1999 2.

Criteria for Listing

Architectural Interest

A. Style B. Proportion C. Ornamentation D. Plan Form H-. Alterations detracting from building J. Setting

Historic Interest

W. Northern Ireland/International Interest


A Portland stone and bronze war memorial by sculptor Thomas Eyre Macklin, commemorating the Great War and dating from 1927. The memorial is an original composition with sculpture of high artistic and craft value. It is unusual in the catalogue of War Memorials due to its size and ornamentation. Although its setting has been compromised by modern landscaping, it remains a notable structure of great presence.

General Comments

Date of Survey

10 August 2010