HB Ref No: HB06/12/002
Extent of Listing: Town Hall
Date of Construction: 1860 - 1879
Address : Town Hall Upper Cross Street Larne Co Antrim BT40 1SZ
Townland: Town Parks
Survey 2: B+
Date of Listing: 25/06/1979 00:00:00
Date of De-listing:
Current Use: Town hall
Former Use Town hall
Conservation Area: No
Industrial Archaeology: No
Vernacular: No
Thatched: No
Monument: No
Derelict: No
OS Map No: 70/8 SW
IG Ref: D3996 0260
Architectural Interest A. Style B. Proportion C. Ornamentation D. Plan Form E. Spatial Organisation H-. Alterations detracting from building I. Quality and survival of Interior
Historic Interest V. Authorship W. Northern Ireland/International Interest Y. Social, Cultural or Economic Importance