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Historic Building Details

HB Ref No:

Extent of Listing:
House and contiguous outbuildings

Date of Construction:
1840 - 1859

Address :
124 Keady Road Derryad Co. Fermanagh BT42 0DF


Survey 2:

Date of Listing:
16/04/1981 00:00:00

Date of De-listing:

Current Use:

Former Use
Thatched House

Conservation Area:

Industrial Archaeology:





OS Map No:

IG Ref:
H3551 2912

Owner Category


Exterior Description And Setting

A one-and a half story, three-bay, lobby entry house with thatched roof between concrete skews. The building is accessed almost directly off a secondary road that proceeds in a north-westerly direction from the Lisnaskea/Newtownbutler road, about one mile north of the latter town, to join a road that deviates from the Lisnaskea road at Drumguiff Cross Roads. The house is sited about half a mile from that road on the north-west side. There are two plain plastered and whitened chimneystacks, one serving the kitchen and the parlour fireplaces and the other drawn over from the bedroom fireplace. The walls are constructed of brick with a whitened and harled finish at the front and the rear and with rendered gables. That on the north-east is lined and that on the opposite gable retains the imprint of a building of increased height, formerly thatched, rising above the existing outbuildings. The render returns for a short distance at the front right (south-east) corner and at the rear for a similar interval at the right (north-west) corner. The entrance door is of timber, ledged and sheeted and split unequally to provide increased space internally when open. The fanlight is made up of six small square horizontal panes. The door is flanked on either side by a plain sashed vertically sliding window with moulded sash stops. The sills are of traditional depths. A disabled access has been formed by eliminating the entrance step and providing a short concrete ramp. The contiguous outbuildings are finished at the front with harling and the doors to the two compartments are ledged and timber sheeted. The front wall, the internal gable wall of the house and the partition are of brick construction. The end (south-west) wall is of rubble stone and there is a section made up of concrete block at the rear. Beyond this there is a further structure constructed entirely of corrugated iron. The roof coverings are of corrugated iron supported by sawn purlins. There are three openings in the rear wall. Starting from the south-east corner there is a top-hung timber framed window in a plain cement surround that continues to form a sill, then a metal framed top-hung window with sashes divided into two vertically in a plain surround with a sill of traditional depth and finally a top-hung timber window that lacks a surround and a sill. The north-east gable contains a plain timber framed window with a sill of traditional depth. The opposite gable is blank.


Not Known

Historical Information

This site is shown undeveloped on the OS map of 1834 / 35, but a house matching the present is shown on the revised map of 1857. The property is recorded in the valuation of 1862 with Hugh Crawford listed as the occupant, John Madden the immediate lessor, with the rateable value calculated at £1-5-0. References- Primary sources 1 PRONI VAL/1A/4/39 OS map, County Fermanagh sheet 39, with valuation
references, (1834 / 35-c.38) 2 PRONI VAL/2A/4/39 Revised OS map, County Fermanagh sheet 39, with valuation references, (1857-c.62) 3 PRONI VAL/2B/4/7D Second valuation, Drummully (1862)

Criteria for Listing

Architectural Interest

A. Style B. Proportion C. Ornamentation D. Plan Form F. Structural System I. Quality and survival of Interior J. Setting

Historic Interest

Z. Rarity W. Northern Ireland/International Interest


A one-and-a half storey three-bay, lobby entry thatched house, constructed, unusually, of brick. Built between 1835 and 1857. The original layout is identifiable clearly and detail including the floor level hearth, the sash windows at the front and the doors have been retained. The purlin roof structure is of considerable interest. The dwelling is complemented by largely contemporary contiguos outbuildings.

General Comments

Date of Survey

18 April 2005